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Creating products

Learn how to add products and optimize them for search engines

Updated over a week ago

Step-by-step guide to add and optimize product pages

You can easily add or update a product price, variations, stock quantity, etc. from the Products page in your TapCommerce admin.

Add a new product

To add a new product to your TapCommerce store:

  1. On your TapCommerce admin, tap Products under the Catalog section on the left menu.

  2. Click on the Create Product button.

Creating and optimizing product pages

TapCommerce allows you to add and optimize your product page diverse features.

For your product page, you should add the following details:

  1. Start by adding a title, description, media files, and price for your product. This will give your customers an idea of what you are selling and how much it costs.

  2. Add product variations if your product comes in different variations, such as different colours or sizes. For each variation, you can include its respective media files and attributes like colour, size, weight, and or material.

  3. Define the stock quantity for your product so that customers know how many items are available for purchase.

  4. Add your product to product collections to help customers easily find it when browsing your online store. You can create collections based on categories, promotions (i.e., "New Year sale", "Summer sale", "Bestsellers"), or any other criteria you choose.

  5. Create product tags so that your customers find your product through search. Tags are more specific than collections and are usually the keywords that are relevant to your product.

  6. Finally, optimize your product for search engines to improve its visibility to potential customers. Include relevant keywords in your meta title and description, and make sure your media files are labelled correctly.

Title and Description

Title: The product title briefly describes what the product is in the simplest way. Choosing a short, concise and understandable name helps customers quickly learn about your product. At the same time, choosing a unique product name can help set your brand and product apart from the rest.

Tip: Make sure you add your target keyword to the product title.

Description: The product description simply explains what your product can do, the features and benefits in detail. To help customers understand what to expect, you should write about what the product does, how it is used, and what advantages it has. You can also differentiate your product from other similar products by highlighting the unique features of the product to entice customers to buy your product.

You can optimize your product description readability by adding headings, and bullet lists, and making some features bold or italic.

TapCommerce allows you to add product descriptions with 2000 characters or less.

Tip: Make sure you add your target keyword to the product description as well.

Product media

Product media refers to a set of images that you can use to showcase the features, benefits, and differences of your products visually. Product media can help your customers get a better idea of your products and influence their purchasing decisions.

When adding the product media, make sure you have the right image file format and size:

  • File format: TapCommerce allows you to add the product images in .jpg and .png formats. If you have another format, you can convert it to one of these formats online.

  • File size: Each file should not be larger than 2 MB. If your product image size is larger than 2 MB, you can compress it online.

Setting product price

  • Price: The product price is the price set for the purchase of a product. This price is determined by taking into account the cost of the product, the labour involved in the production process, the marketing of the product, and other factors.

  • Sale Price: Sale price is a price set below the regular price. This price is usually offered during a special promotion or promotion and allows customers to purchase the product at a more affordable price. Sale prices are used to attract customers' attention, increase sales, and gain new customers.

When setting product prices, consider your tax settings. Learn more about including & excluding tax in product prices.

Product variations

Product variation is a feature that allows customers to select different options for a product, resulting in a unique combination of values. This feature is commonly used for products with multiple customizable attributes such as size, colour, and material.

For example, let's say you sell t-shirts in 3 sizes (small, medium, and large) and 2 colours (red and yellow).

In this case, 6 different variants, each with a different size and colour combination are created.

Create variable products and set variations

If your product is variable, you can create a range of distinct variations by utilizing attributes and their respective values. This feature allows you to offer different versions of the same product, varying by attributes such as colour, size, material, and more.

To create a variable product:

  1. On the product page, tick the box "This product is variable" option to enable variation settings.

  2. You will see pre-created attributes such as colour and size. You can rename them by typing the desired attribute name in the attribute input box.

  3. To add new attributes, simply click on the "+ Add option" hypertext and enter the name of the attribute.

  4. To add values for the attributes, such as yellow, white, and black for colour, simply enter the values in the input box and hit Enter.

  5. As you add new options, you will see the new variants created below.

  6. You can now set the media files, price, quantity, SKU, and barcode for each option.

By following these steps, you can easily create variations for your variable product and provide your customers with a wide range of options to choose from. It is important to provide accurate information for each variation to ensure a smooth shopping experience for your customers.

Quantity, SKU, Barcode Definitions

  • Quantity: Quantity refers to the amount or number of items available for sale. When a product is out of stock, it means that there are no more items available for purchase at that moment.

  • SKU (stock keeping unit): SKU stands for Stock Keeping Unit. It is a unique identifier assigned to a particular product in inventory management. SKU codes help businesses keep track of their stock levels, monitor sales, and manage orders. These codes typically include a combination of letters and numbers and can be customized by the business to suit their specific needs. Using SKUs can help businesses to make inventory management easy and make informed decisions about stocking and ordering products.

  • Barcode: Product barcode, also known as a Universal Product Code (UPC), is a unique numerical identifier assigned to a product. It consists of a series of parallel lines of varying widths, along with a corresponding number sequence printed beneath the lines. Barcodes are widely utilized for product identification and tracking throughout the supply chain. They enable efficient inventory management in fulfillment centers, facilitate accounting through invoice scanning, and streamline purchases in retail stores.

Product status

When creating a new product in your store, the default status is Published, indicating that the product is public and live on your store. However, if you are duplicating or unarchiving a product, the default status will be Draft, indicating that the product isn't public.

While creating products on TapCommerce admin panel, you can set 3 product statuses:

  • Published: This means the product details are complete and the product is ready to be sold.

  • Draft: This means the product details need to be completed before it can be sold.

  • Hidden: This means the product details are complete, but the product is no longer for sale. Archiving a product hides it from your admin and any customers.

Product collections

You can group your products which are similar or share some common characteristics in collections. This makes your store navigation easy and allows your customers to find the products on your store easily.

Adding products to collections

Add the product to a collection from the right side of the page. For this:

Click the input box and write down the collection name.

If you haven't created a product collection, navigate to the Products β†’ Collections to create one.

Read more about how to create product collections

Product tags

Product tags are more specific than product collections and often serve as keywords or descriptors directly associated with a product. Tags are typically used to provide more granular and specific information about a product, enabling users to search, filter, or group items based on specific attributes or characteristics.

For example, if we consider a clothing store, a product collection might be "Men's Clothing," while tags associated with individual products within that collection could be "t-shirt," "jeans," "sweater," or "formal wear." These tags help in organizing products within their respective collections and provide more specific information about the nature or style of each item.

When you create a product tag, a unique URL is is generated for each product tag.

Add tags to products

You can create tag on the right side of the product creation page.

Simply enter the desired tags in the provided field and press the "Enter" key to add them.

Setting product weight

Located on the right side of the product creation page, within the shipping section, you'll find the weight field. Within this field, you can select the appropriate unit of measurement (g, kg, oz, lb) and enter the corresponding numerical value.

The weight you provide plays a vital role in calculating accurate shipping rates for customers during the checkout process. Additionally, it ensures that appropriate pricing labels are generated during fulfilment, allowing for seamless and efficient order processing.

Edit product SEO

In the Search Engine Listing Preview section, you can preview how your store appears on the search results.

Also, scroll down and click on the "Edit page SEO" button to add meta title, meta description, and edit URL.

Page Title: In the Page title input box, write a concise and compelling title that includes the main keyword and is shorter than 70 characters. This title will appear in the search engine results, so make it enticing for potential customers.

Description: Next, add a meta description tag in the Description input box. Although it doesn't directly affect search engine rankings, a well-written and optimized description can increase click-through rates. Keep it under 320 characters and include the main keyword.

Ideally, write a description that encourages customers to visit your store by highlighting the benefits of your product using keywords.

URL and Handle: In the URL handle section, add a clear and readable slug that includes the main keyword. Keep it short, under 70 characters, and avoid special characters, numbers, and superfluous information. Use hyphens instead of spaces and make it lowercase for better readability.

Tips to improve your product page SEO

To optimize the visibility and searchability of each product, it's beneficial to select a target keyword that potential customers would likely use when searching for that specific item. Incorporating this target keyword strategically across various elements can improve the product's visibility in search engine results. Here's how you can implement this approach:

  1. Product title: Include the target keyword in the product title to clearly indicate what the product is. Ensure that the title remains concise and appealing to potential customers.

  2. Product description: Incorporate the target keyword naturally within the product description. Craft a compelling and informative description that highlights the key features, benefits, and uses of the product while incorporating the keyword strategically.

  3. Image file names: Before uploading images to the product page, rename each image file using the target keyword. This helps search engines understand the relevance of the image and improves the product's visibility in image searches.

  4. Page title: Include the target keyword in the page title, which appears in the browser tab or search engine results. The page title should be concise, descriptive, and include the keyword naturally to attract potential customers.

  5. Slug (URL Handle): Create a URL slug (the part of the URL that comes after the domain name) that includes the target keyword. This helps search engines and users understand the content of the page and improves its search ranking.

  6. Compressing images: It's recommended to compress media files (images) before uploading them to the product page. Compressed files reduce page loading times, enhance user experience, and contribute to better search engine rankings.

By implementing these strategies, you can improve the visibility and discoverability of your products, attracting potential customers who are searching for relevant keywords and enhancing the overall performance of your product pages.

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